Warm upwith 1 month FREE
monitoring on any NEW install!
Call today for more information or to schedule your installation today.
Simply Safe.
Protecting your family, and ours, since 1996.

Fox Alarm and Technology, LLC is a family owned and operated company, based in Ennis, Montana. Licensed and insured, our service area covers all of Montana, including residences, commercial businesses, ranchettes and acreage, and gated communities. For nearly 20 years, Fox Alarm has combined quality products and knowledgeable technicians with local service and professional installation. Put us to work for you.
Security protects your most valuable assets, your family and loved ones. Whether applied in your home or business, our security, fire protection and environmental monitoring is the simple solution for protecting you and yours. Federal statistics for 2011 estimated that homes without alarm systems are three times as likely to be broken into as those that have a security system. Our systems also help protect against loss of life and limit damage incurred by property hazards such as fire, carbon monoxide, and flooding to name a few. Most major insurance carriers offer a discount on homeowner's insurance when monitored systems are installed. Many also have additional requirements for secondary or vacation homes to be secured and monitored. Call or email us today for your free quote and in home consultation.
In 1996, Garry Norby opened Fox Alarm and Technology, seeing a bright future in protecting Montana. Today, his son, Tom carries that vision forward and though, the next generation of Fox Alarm is only in grade school, we anticipate serving many more generations of Montanans. Our family and current staff of eight employees has created a strong customer base and a history of quality and professionalism.